
New Employment Rights Bill – What to Expect

New Employment Rights Bill – What to Expect

Following its General Election win, Labour introduced a significant suite of reforms in its Employment Rights Bill (ERB) which could significantly change employment law in GB. The proposed reforms were publicised towards the end of 2024, therefore we have provided a...

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Why Make An EPA?

Why Make An EPA?

An EPA is a legal instrument that a person can make when they have the capacity to do so, stating who they would like to deal with their financial affairs in the event that they would ever become mentally incapable of dealing with such financial affairs. In this post...

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A new year: A new rate of SDLT 

A new year: A new rate of SDLT 

From 31st March 2025, the current rate of SDLT payable is set to increase meaning that the purchase of residential property after this date will come at a much greater cost to buyers.   What is SDLT?  Stamp Duty...

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Litigation risk in personal injury cases 

Litigation risk in personal injury cases 

When advising Plaintiffs and Defendants in litigation matters, there is always a strict caveat that if a matter proceeds to a Final Hearing, there is no guarantee of success. This advice is given regardless of whether a case is a 50/50 or extremely strong. When the...

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Conducting a Grievance Investigation and Hearing

Conducting a Grievance Investigation and Hearing

Challenges can arise at various stages throughout the employment relationship, necessitating theimplementation of disciplinary and grievance procedures to address these issues fairly andconsistently. Consequently, it is imperative for employers to develop procedures...

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    INTRODUCTION In the UK, a significant number of companies are small, owner-managed, businesses which are typically established by friends and family who share a common objective. However, as time passes, individuals and their priorities may change and...

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