
Wellness In The Workplace

Wellness In The Workplace

Mental health apps, menopause support, mindfulness sessions, gym subsidies, counselling helplines … workplaces are increasingly focussed on the welfare of their employees. The celebration of dog ownership in the workplace is having a moment. ‘Bring Your Dog to Work’...

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Making an Enduring Power of Attorney

Making an Enduring Power of Attorney

An Enduring Power of Attorney is an instrument wherein a person; (known as the donor), can appoint a person or people; (known as their Attorneys), to deal with their property and affairs which continues if the unfortunate situation arises wherein the donor becomes...

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Nursing Home Care Fees

Payment for Nursing Home care fees   Providing funding for fees in relation to care in a nursing home where a patient has insufficient assets or means to pay for such care comes from two main sources: 1) The Health and Social Services Trusts which operate under...

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The Ryan McBride Foundation Fundraising Dinner 2022

The McCay Solicitors team were delighted to attend the Ryan McBride Foundation Fundraising Dinner this month. This was the foundation’s first dinner in three years and what a great way to get everyone back together for a great cause.         The...

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Who Get’s The Family Jewels?

    Let’s all admit it; we have all asked the question “Granny am I your favourite?” And whilst we have all probably been told that we are; you could be sure the next grandchild coming through the door was getting the same response (as well as money and...

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Andrea McGill joins familiar faces at McCay Solicitors

For most of us, our cousins are our earliest friendships and for Gareth McCay, Aaron Mullen & Andrea McGill, that bond has carried its way through their careers. As solicitors in Northern Ireland and has now brought them back together at McCay Solicitors based in...

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McCay Solicitors Employment Law in Derry and Omagh

McCay Solicitors Employment Law in Derry and Omagh   At McCay Solicitors, we are well versed in the subject of employment law. We started up in 2015, as a niche Employment Law practice and as we have grown employment law has remained a large part of our practice....

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Google Ads £500 Giveaway

If you have used our services, why not leave us a review on google? You will automatically be entered into our £500 competition giveaway. The winner will be selected before Christmas. Who doesn't want an extra £500 to spend at Christmas?

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Disability Awareness Week

Great to see the support and programme of events on offer locally, as part of the What's on Derry Strabane Disability Awareness Week! Click on the link below to see the programme of events;    

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